Digital Agency Industry Insights
Proprietary research, the latest strategic thinking, and guides for digital agencies.
Industry-Leading Research
How Digital Agencies Grow
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Digital Agency Industry Report
An overview of the digital agency industry covering key themes, composition, revenue, profitability, salaries, and more.
Digital Services Salary Guide
The latest data on salary shifts, compensation rates, benefits, and more to help you make the best decisions possible when it comes to compensating talent.
Our Latest Articles & Announcements
Digital Agency Resiliency in the Face of a Pandemic
Back in January, what seems like a decade ago, we were working with Rachel from Louder Than Ten on a joint research project. We’ve done this kind of thing a few times, where we work with another group to do a deep dive into some specialized part of the digital agency...
Growing Faster Than Average
On average, digital shops grow 15% annually. That’s the price to play the game. If you grow slower than this, your firm loses market share. But if you grow too fast things start rattling. The sweet spot for healthy growth in this industry appears to be between 20% and...
How Digital Agencies Grow
Understanding the mechanics behind digital agency growth allows us to identify weaknesses and optimize growth strategies. We examined the data we gathered from owners of digital marketing and digital service shops over the years and used it to create this framework...
Pandemic Pricing Report
SummaryMost firms employ multiple pricing methods with Hourly, Fixed bid, and Retainers being the most popular. Value based pricing is used by about a third of firms and Points based is rarely used. However, when the question is changed to ask “What is the most common...
Economic Outlook 2H 2020
Executive SummaryThe global spread of COVID-19 has impacted the economy with extreme speed and severity. The pandemic has caused consumer spending to contract and has increased unemployment, leading to an economic recession beginning in February. The Federal...
Digital Firm Employee Salary Estimator
Getting Salaries Right is CriticalSalaries are easily the largest expense at digital shops, making up about 2/3rds of total expenses. Getting this right is critical to a shop’s success. It is difficult to know how much to offer a new employee. There seem to be endless...
Lead or Step Aside
Leading Through InjusticeStarting with COVID-19, leading to a global recession, and now national protests over police brutality and racism, to say the first half of 2020 has been challenging would be an immense understatement. The stress everyone is under is...
Change Has Arrived
Digital-first or BustEmerging trends and how shops can evolve to take advantage of them. Here we highlight some major shifts caused by this pandemic. The core theme revolves around how quickly the pandemic has forced firms to take a digital-first approach to their...
Digital Agency Benchmarking Tool
Digital Agency BenchmarkingIndustry Benchmark DataOur primary research and work has covered over 1,000 digital marketing and digital service firms. Digital Agency RevenueOur analysis puts the vast majority of digital marketing agencies in the U.S. at under $5M in...
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Wil Reynolds
CEO, Seer Interactive