Bending, Not Breaking: The State of Digital Services 2024

Agency leaders who participated in the survey already got their copy, but you can grab yours today!

For the first time, we’re making these reports available outside of the Promethean-Bureau-Parallax client network.

We could tell 2023 was tough while we were in it, but now that the numbers are in, it’s clear that it was the most difficult year for agency growth since we began tracking back in 2015.

Some firms avoided this general downturn and managed to grow 2-3x faster than average. The first section of this report explores the patterns those fast-growing firms shared. 

In later sections, we explore profitability and margin drivers and key trends shaping the agency landscape.

A 39-page exploration of what drives digital agencies in 2024. Topics include:

  • Average digital agency revenue growth rates for 2023
  • Service mix shifts
  • Service mix and vertical specialization
  • Average digital agency hourly rates for 2023 and 2024
  • Pricing methods (Time and materials, Fixed bid, Retainer, Value-based, Performance-based, and Points-based)
  • Clients and projects
  • Average digital agency profitability and margins
  • Efficiency and utilization rates
  • Team dynamics (voluntary and involuntary employee turnover rates, and hiring/retention difficulty)
  • Artificial intelligence impact on the future of digital agencies
  • How far along digital agencies are in implementing artificial intelligence
  • Biggest agency challenges of 2024
  • In-housing concerns

This report is a compilation of responses from digital agency owners and managers, primarily from North America. An online survey was conducted of digital service company owners during June 2024 to collect insights across many key performance indicators.

  • We received a total of 96 responses.
  • Average size: 31 employees
  • Median size: 18 employees

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